War wagons wizard and pegasi

My human armies keep getting more reinforcements. A second war wagon has arrived to bolster the 1st Panzer regiment. Balthasar Gelt Wizards on pegasi are freakin great in Kings of War. I’ve been running two in my various pikemen experiments, and Balthasar here was lacking proper paint, so he jumped to the front of the […]

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Cursed Company

The Cursed Company of Richter Kreugar the Damned is an ancient mercenary company of Undead, rumoured to enslave those who fall to their deadly blades to eternal servitude. The battle-cry of Richter Kreugar has long been forgotten by the people of the Old World. The silence of the grave hangs over the Cursed Company as it traverses the land, marching to […]

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Empire reinforcements

With my work on human infantry armies for kings of war, I’ve been digging into my box of empire minis, and finished a bunch of units lately. Nostalgia warning for middlehammer lovers, lots of 90s metal contained inside. The classic war wagon in a classic scheme. One of my favorite Empire minis. I have modernized […]

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